
Call for Abstracts


Abstracts on all aspects of psoriasis are invited for consideration by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts will be presented in either oral or poster sessions.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 2nd August 2024.

This deadline will be strictly adhered to and any abstracts submitted after this date will not be considered.

Abstracts can be submitted online only. Authors will be notified of the outcome approximately three weeks after the deadline.


Abstract Submission

  1. The abstracts will be judged by members of the Scientific Committee and are assessed without knowledge of the authors or institutions. Assessment is helped enormously by clarity of thought in the abstract.
  2. Abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines will not be considered and will be returned to the sender to be resubmitted for presentation following amendments. The co-organisers and secretariat cannot be held responsible should the individual subsequently fail to meet the submission deadline.
  3. The work to be presented must be original and unpublished and should not have been presented at a national or international meeting. Encore abstracts can be submitted but must adhere to the following: the encore title and text of the abstract differ from previous versions and the original prior publication is declared.

Prizes & Publication

Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.

Abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee for oral and poster presentation will be published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

Free Communications

Speakers must not present more than one talk. If you have more than one you must select an alternative presenter and inform the G2C secretariat of this change.

• 10 minutes in length (8 minute presentation; 2 minute Q&As)

• Speakers should include a brief introduction, followed by their declaration of interests which should be visible to attendees (this is usually on a speaker’s first or second slide)

• Slide size should be 16:9

• The presentation must be delivered live in person .


• All posters will be in an e-poster format and landscape in orientation.

• The file should be PDF, no larger than 10mb and will be uploaded by the submitting authors on the Oxford Abstract site.

• Deadline for submitting poster is 11th November.

Judging of the posters will be based on a combination of: Suitability of the subject for a poster display, original scientific information, teaching qualities and visual impact.

For uniformity and simplicity, it is best to arrange your poster in the following format:

* Introduction: a few brief sentences that state the purpose of the study

* Methods

* Results: illustrations, tables, figures, graphs and photos.

* Conclusions: a list or summary paragraph of conclusions.

Title, authors and institutional affiliation

* The heading should include the authors’ names and affiliations Tables, charts, drawings and illustrations, as required

* Type should be in a sans serif face (e.g. Arial) that is clear and precise. Do not use all capital letters.

* Headings – be consistent with headings, whether they are all capital letters, boldface or italicised.

* To help viewers follow the flow of ideas, number or letter each illustration and cue it into your text. Each chart or table should have a label or explanation.

Presenter Guidelines

Please ensure presentations are in 16:9 format

The first slide should be a clear title slide indicating the name of the presentation (as agreed) and your name and institution.

Within the first three slides please include any Conflicts of Interest.

Presentations at BAD Educational events are non-promotional and should not identify or endorse specific products or services.

Please be well practised. Speakers should keep to their allocated time, including allowing time for questions.

Speakers should ensure they have all relevant consent and approvals for any images used or data presented

If you agree that your presentation is to be recorded please ensure you have consent for any patient images or can subsequently provide an anonymised version of the presentation.