Dear Colleague
Please read carefully the final details for your participation at the 9th International Congress Psoriasis from Gene to Clinic.
All attendees should login into the virtual platform to access the exhibition area, eposters and post Congress on demand content.
Virtual attendees will use the platform to view the live presentations and ask questions.
The virtual platform will remain open after the Congress until January 10th 2022 and enable you to watch back presentations on demand.
This event is a fully hybrid event. To ensure you can engage with the other participants and to ask live questions download the event app prior to the event.
To access the event on the web (computer/laptop) app:
Follow this link to log in to the event:
- Log in using your email address that you are registered with and the event password: Psoriasis21
- Select the Psoriasis: from Gene to Clinic 2021 event
- Set up your badge. You will be asked to add a profile picture, update your personal details and create your own unique password.
- If you have issues logging in please use the Talk to Support button.
Or access the event on your smartphone via the mobile app:
Please follow the instructions below:
- Download the Totem app ahead of the 9th December by scanning the below QR code with your smartphone and/or head to this link:
- Open the app and input the event code QEII (qeii)
- Log in using your email address and the password: Psoriasis21
- Select the Psoriasis: from Gene to Clinic 2021 event
- Set up your badge. You will be asked to add a profile picture and update your personal details and create your own unique password.
- If you have issues logging in please use the Chat Support button
You will be able to update your badge, but the platform content including eposters, exhibition and programme won’t be available until Wednesday 8th December.
Certificates of attendance will be issued after the close of the virtual platform on January 10th 2022.
COVID Policy
Everyone entering the Congress venue will be required to show evidence of a negative lateral flow test (dated within 48 hours of attendance and reported on the Government website, displayed via text or via the NHS app) or proof of double vaccination no less than 14 days before attendance (displayed via the NHS app or NHS website). Equivalent overseas passess and evidence will be excepted.
Please ensure you wear a mask in all communal areas. Please click on the link for the QEII Centre COVID guidelines: click here
Congress Venue
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Broad Sanctuary
London SW1P 3EE
Sessions will commence at 10:00 in the Westminster Room on the fourth floor of the conference centre. The programme can be found on the website The full hardcopy programme with submitted abstracts will be available for collection at registration.
All in person delegates are invited to join the Welcome Reception in the Catering room after the end of sessions on Thursday 9th December. Those that have booked for the Friday Congress Dinner will receive tickets in their registration envelopes.
Please login to the virtual platform as detailed above. A full e-version of the programme can be found in your virtual delegate bag from Wednesday 8th December in the My Event section on the virtual platform. During the live congress you will be able to interact with other attendees, view eposters and visit the virtual exhibition. Please ask questions via the slido app displayed on the stage, these questions will be sent directly to the session Chairs. If you have issues logging in please use the Chat to Support button.
In person: If you are speaking at the meeting the speaker preview room will be located in the Byron room on the fourth Floor. It is essential to the smooth running of the congress that all speakers take their presentation on a USB drive to the speaker preview room as soon as possible after their arrival at the Congress venue but not later than 1 hour before the beginning of their session. Preferred slide size is 16:9 and please include a conflict of interest in your first two slides.
Virtual Speakers: You will be sent an email next week with the link for you to join the live Q & A. Further details will be included in that email.
All speakers are reminded to keep to time and session chairs are instructed to stop presentations that overrun.
The eposters can be found on the virtual platform from Wednesday 8th December. For in person attendees a series of screens will be situated in the Catering Room on the fourth floor. You are able to contact the presenting authors via the virtual platform.
We strongly encourage you all to attend the sponsored lectures that form part of the plenary programme.
Please also find time during the breaks to visit the virtual exhibition stands and interact with our sponsors.
Please do not share login details with anyone or record any part of the Congress. Any individuals found to breach this will be reported and face legal proceedings. All attendees should adhere to the code of conduct: click here
We look forward to you participation in the 9th International Congress Psoriasis from Gene to Clinic.